Advice Column

Advice given by students in Ms. Pepe and Mrs. Wile’s English 11 classes.

Looking for a place to go to eat for dinner tonight. When I went to Burger king last time they had a good burger but the fries were dry and unsalted. I like Wendy’s but the one in Clifton park is disgusting and under managed. I have a gift card to McDonald but I only have 5 dollars left on it. Where should I go to eat?


Clearly you are in quite the pickle and left with slim choices on dinner. You can’t go to burger king because of their bad fries and can’t go to Wendy’s because of their bad service and are limited to only 5$ at McDonald’s. In all my professional experience this isn’t a problem at all. There is a clear answer for what you should do in this situation. I’m going to tell you exactly what to do step by step and you are going to follow it perfectly and it will make your life better forever. Step 1 you will install the McDonald’s app and sign up. Step 2 you will go to McDonald’s and use the code on your app. Step 3 you will order 2 hot and spicy McChickens. Step 4 you will go to deals and choose a free McCafe beverage then choose whatever McCafe beverage you desire (large caramel frappe) your total will come out to $3.75 exactly. Step 5 while you wait for your food you will get a new code that regenerates after 15 mins. Step 6 you will put in your new code and get 1$ large fry. Now you wait for your delicious food and enjoy all your good food for 4.75. With this as my solution you will save money by using your gift card and avoid the other problematic restaurants. You are welcome, my friend.

I am currently taking health. I don’t mind the teacher, but I don’t like the class. I know I already took health in 8th grade. The teacher doesn’t even know our names yet and we already have homework. Should I skip class today ?

I did have a health class just like this as well. What I’d suggest is staying in the class and not skipping it. Skipping class could make things worse, it could end up lowering your grade. You could also make some friends in it, and maybe ask them for help on the homework. If you need to, you can also talk to a counselor about switching the class to another block. I’ve never skipped a class before, but from what I’ve heard, skipping one class could lead to skipping more or other classes. If you skip more, you could fail the class and have to take it again.